Don’t Stress When Getting Dressed: 5 Tips to Clear Closet Clutter

Do you feel stress every time you open your closet? Your closet should make you smile. The number one issue I see with clothing closets is that they are overstuffed. Try these tips to clear the closet clutter and make getting dressed easier.

  1. Start to dig into your closet. Pull out all the things that don’t belong there, like papers, tools, stuffed animals. Put these items aside to work on later.

  2. Gather and hang similar pieces of clothing together - shirts with shirts, pants with pants. Do the same with any items on shelves.

  3. Within each category of clothing, sort by color. This is an instant pick-me-up for your closet, and you’ll be able to see how many white shirts and black sweaters you actually have.

  4. Hang one item on a hanger or else it will be impossible to see what’s beyond the first layer of clothing.

  5. Organize your accessories. Use hooks to hang belts, bags, or jewelry. Clear out and donate items you really don’t use anymore. The top shelf of the closet can be for hats or dressy bags/shoes that don’t get used as often.


Virtual Organizing Basement Before and After

This summer I organized virtually with a client to help her clean out her basement. We had organized in-person at her home years ago, but never worked on her basement. The client is a busy parent and a professor, and every summer was stressed out by the basement clutter. She dreaded going down there and tried to work on it every summer to get it “done.”

The client realized she needed some support to get through the project, so in late spring we set a schedule of virtual sessions over a few months. She emailed me photos of the space and we made a plan. We met virtually every few weeks to check in on her progress, brainstorm next steps, or find solutions for obstacles. This is the summer that she accomplished her goals!

What worked this time?

  • Our regular check-ins, set ahead of time, gave the client regular accountability.

  • She scheduled time on her calendar each week to work on the project; instead of saving full days to try to get through it, she aimed for a few sessions each week.

  • We broke the large project into smaller discrete projects/tasks she could do in her smaller sessions.

  • We discussed where and when she would donate items so she had a plan for getting the unwanted items out of her house.

  • After our virtual sessions, we planned out what she’d do later that day, like put donate items out on her curb.

  • We also made a plan for the “phase 2” projects that she could do a later point, so she could stay focused on her priority projects.

It's Not About the Containers

Have you been watching a certain show that is making you want to redo your pantry, garage, and every closet with clear bins?

While I’ve been using containers and labels for years, lately I’ve found myself considering reorganizing my entire pantry and kitchen with new bins. Maybe after 7 months of living and working at home all.the.time I’m seeing my kitchen in a new way. Or maybe it’s the relentless ads from certain stores attempting to convince me to buy containers and watch a new home organizing show. Or it could be my ongoing need to be able to control something during this time when so much seems out of control.

Containers can work:

  • Clear and labelled containers are very helpful for finding things and putting them away.

  • Sometimes there is a specialized container that solves a particular problem.

  • I agree that when our space looks great and we use containers we like to look at, we are more likely to be motivated to keep up the organizing system.

But I also know that organizing is not about the containers.

Organizing is about how we interact with our stuff. Containers don’t solve the underlying issues. You still need to deal with the stuff.

That’s why any sustainable organizing strategy has to start not with the containers, but with the harder work of making decisions: keep, toss, recycle, donate? And that’s how I work with clients. We go through the items and I support clients as they make the decisions. Only then will they know how many mugs or books or LEGOs they have, and can determine if a new or specialized container is needed. Clients often have some bins, baskets or other containers already, or we can get creative to repurpose other things already in the space. (See how I used a shoe shelf in my dining room, for example.)

While I’m not anti-container by any means, remember that buying 20 new clear containers probably won’t solve your organizing issue in the long term. Don’t forget to first consider the stuff you are putting in the container.


Organize Your Sheets

Recently a friend asked me: how can she keep her bed linens together by size?

Sheets often get stuffed into the linen closet, making it hard to figure out what size they are, and the printing on sheet tags can wear out over time.

Here are 6 ways to keep your linen sets together:

  1. Put the sheet set inside the pillowcase, and label your linen closet shelves. This is my favorite way to keep sheets by size together because it is so simple!

  2. Store sheet sets in small bins, labeled by size.

  3. Use a permanent fabric marker to indicate the sheet size right on the sheet - just put a “T,” “Q” or “F” for example on the sheet tag, or inside corner.

  4. Use a band around the sheet set, like this “sheet keeper” that states the size on the band.

  5. Another option is to store the extra sheets for the bed in that bedroom, either under the bed or in a drawer or closet. That way you’ll have the right size for the bed.

  6. You can also color code your sheets by bedroom or size: light blue is master bedroom, while the green and navy sheets are the kids’ rooms.

Sheets kept in the pillowcase, on labeled shelves

Sheets kept in the pillowcase, on labeled shelves

Creating Storage in a Vintage Closet

Closet storage is a top issue for my clients. Many of the homes I work in (including my own house, circa 1890) were built before walk-in closets were invented. Homes from the late 1800s, and even from the turn of the century to 1950 just didn’t have large closets.

In the typical New England house closet, you open the door and see one shelf near the ceiling, and then below a single bar for hanging clothes. To make this kind of closet work, I recommend either installing a closet system (like Elfa from The Container Store, which I’ve had installed in my antique closets) or using bins.

For this project, the client was storing baby items and outgrown kids clothes in this guest-room closet. We pulled everything out, then sorted and weeded. Some items were donated or went to another room. The remaining items were stored in clear bins with labels.

Crafty Storage

Craft closets are one of my favorite organizing projects! I love turning the jumble of items into cohesive order, which then helps my clients be more creative. If you can find your supplies, you can work on your craft projects!

This client had different kinds of craft items to corral, including paper projects, stamping, wrapping paper, beading, and balloon making. I forgot to take the “before” shot, but we enjoyed looking at the “after” once we were done.

Fortunately the client had a reach-in closet which makes it very easy to see what she has - at least once items are stored in bins and the excess was cleared. We also tried to store items that get used together next to each other.

Here’s another post on how I organized my own craft closet. If I can help you boost your creativity by organizing your craft or hobby supplies, send me an email.


Updating my Linen Closet

Recently we had our bathroom completely updated. As part of the renovation, we took some space from a nearby linen closet. This meant the closet was demolished to the studs, and new walls installed. With a coat of fresh white paint, this storage space was getting a makeover.

It was so fun to design a closet from start to finish (yes, this is what professional organizers get excited about). I considered the shelf options, and decided again to install an Elfa system from The Container Store. I’ve written before about how I love this closet system for bedroom closets, I was now going to give it a try for my new linen closet.

The heavy wooden, immovable shelves were replaced with adjustable elfa solid shelving. In the former closet there was a lot of space between shelves. I kept lots of toiletries in plastic shoe boxes and had to stack them on top of each other to efficiently use the space, but it was a pain to have to move the top box to get what was in the bottom. With the new elfa configuration, we were able to add another shelf - no more stacking!

I could also set the height of the first shelf to be high enough over what I wanted to store on the bottom. Instead of having the heavy stuff on the top shelf in the old closet, they could sit safely on the bottom. The light linens are now on top. And if my needs change, the shelves can move up or down.

I also decided that my new closet deserved a new set of bins. These easy reach-in bins keep all our toiletry items corralled. I labelled each so my family would know what goes where. I’m sure it won’t stay this organized, but it will be a much easier closet to use.

Closet Before

Closet Before

New Walls, no shelves

New Walls, no shelves

elfa installed

elfa installed

finished closet

finished closet

Get Rid of the Front Door Shoe Pile

How do I deal with all the shoes? It's one of the top questions I hear from clients. If you have piles of shoes by your front door, here are some tips and products to try:

First, reduce the pile of shoes by the door. Keep only the pairs you wear regularly by the door, the rest need to go into your clothing closet or other area. This may mean keeping only 2-3 pairs per person in your house. 

Next, find the right storage solution:

  • Several clients have had good luck with the slim IKEA shoe cabinet. It's small enough to fit in even the narrowest of hallways. 
  • A shelf can be practical, but be sure it is sturdy wood or metal with at least two levels and that your shoes can fit the shelves. Don't get a shelf that snaps together as they tend to not hold up.
  • Try this modern rack for shoes and accessories, and can even accommodate heels 
  • For kids shoes, this caddy keeps 3 pairs upright, making it easier for any child to find the shoes they need.

Make it routine: If you have a new place for shoes, be sure to tell your family and help make using the new container routine. Here's a creative reminder a client used with her family. 

How to Clear the Corner Clutter?

Corners are magnets for clutter! Things seem to end up in the corners of our rooms, often in piles, bags, or boxes. If you really want to clear the clutter, take a look at what's hiding out in the corners.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Pick one corner to tackle. Set a timer for 30 minutes.
  2. Pull everything out. Toss and recycle what you can.
  3. Put items in categories, and put away what you can.
  4. Consider each item and why it ended up in the corner. Does it not have a place to go? Or is the place it goes over stuffed? Does the item require an action? Is it in transition to go somewhere else (to be donated, to a friend, to a family member)?
  5. Deal with each of the items. If they have to go into a space that is overstuffed, put it in the area and then schedule another time to declutter that space. You can also schedule time to follow up and make decisions or add the action items to your To Do list. If items are going out, put them near your door or in your car and resolve to pass them on within a week. 

Once you’ve been able to clear the clutter in your corners, enjoy your space! The room will feel more open and peaceful.

Backpack Storage

Problem: Your child's backpack ends up all over the the kitchen, in the living room, near the shoes, but never in the same spot. 

Solution: Give the backpack a "home," a set storage place where it goes every day once it is unpacked. Yes, every day. This is a routine even young elementary school students can master. Even if you don't have a dedicated mudroom, you can find a place for the backpack. 

Backpack storage ideas:

  • Give it a "drop spot" by using a basket placed on the floor. My 8th grader has been using this basket for her backpack since Kindergarten. Even when we were in the midst of a long home renovation project and the basket was relocated to a new spot, it was a visual cue for where to put her backpack.
  • Use a hook, at the correct height for your child to reach. 
  • Stash it in a cubby. Many homes have built-in cubbies, but make sure your child can reach it.

Create a Closet

Many houses don't have a large entry closet, and some may not even closet at all! During a home and garden tour last year, I noticed how one homeowner got really creative and created a closet with curtains. 

In a shallow alcove near the front door, a shelf went across the length of the space. A sturdy curtain rod was attached to the shelf, and two heavy curtains hid the "closet" behind it: rows of hooks for bags and coats. Open the curtains for easy access to the items, pull them shut to close the "closet door."  

With just the shelf and curtains, this nondescript corner became a closet. Don't overlook even small spaces in your home to help you get organized.


Travel Idea for Jewelry

Friends were preparing for a year-long move to Europe last summer, and I noticed that the older daughter had a genius idea for how to organize her jewelry for travel. She separated out her jewelry and sets into small plastic bags. She punched a whole in the bags and then essentially "filed" them in a three-hold binder. (I think clear sheet protectors could work as well).

Using this method meant that the daughter could easily bring the binder in her carry-on luggage. Love this idea!

Do this one thing to make it easier to find your summer clothes

Before you put your summer clothes away for the season, do this one thing: make a "vacation clothes" bag. 

While putting away summer clothes for the season, my client realized that she'll probably be heading somewhere warm this winter. We wanted to be sure she could find her vacation/resort clothes easily, without having to dig through the whole bin of summer clothes. 

Solution: We put the clothing she'd probably want to pack right on top of the bin in a clear, zippered bag labeled "vacation clothes." Now she'll be able to find her clothes for a warm getaway in a snap. 

This article first appeared in the Neat Sheet. Not on my list for the Neat Sheet? Click here to subscribe and get more tips and tricks to tame the chaos and stay organized. 

Laundry List: How to Un-stick Your Laundry Process

Confession: I don’t mind doing the laundry. I use it as a “background” task while I’m doing other things around the house. I also enjoy folding and putting it away.

Most people don’t feel this way, and that often the laundry gets stuck at various points in the process. Here are some tips to keep it moving along:

  • Problem: Hate going into your laundry room? Solution: Clean it out, maybe even give it a fresh coat of paint. Read more in my laundry room essentials post.
  • Problem: A mountain of clean laundry that never gets put away. Solution: Is the problem where the laundry goes…are dressers and closets over stuffed? Clean them out and make room. Donate or give away those pieces you never, ever wear. Also, be sure you have dressers that open easily—especially critical for kids if you have any hope of them putting their clothes away.
  • Problem: Sorting laundry takes forever and never seems to end. Solution: Do laundry for each person on a different day. Many families find this works really well. If you are washing and drying one person’s laundry you also avoid the sorting step!  One mom I know uses mesh laundry bags and throws the whole bag into the washer. She uses a shout stain catcher so colors don’t mix.  Another idea: get others in your family to do their own laundry.
  • Problem: Socks without a mate. And the huge pile of socks to be matched.  Solution #1: Each person gets a zipper mesh bag just for socks. Put dirty socks in the bag, then put the whole bag into the washer. Solution #2: Buy all the same kind/color of sock. Trust me, this works. Solution #3: Try Sock-Locks to keep your socks together before they get washed.

If you can’t face your laundry room or want some new ideas on the process, contact me today. Email

Laundry Room Essentials

Whether you have a laundry room that’s just a nook off the kitchen, a corner in the basement, or a dedicated room, here are essentials to keep it organized:

  • Trash can.
  • Bar or clothing line to hang clothes to air dry.
  • Storage shelf or bin for your detergent and stain removers. Be sure to use up nearly-empty containers, recycle the empties, and don’t over-buy on products.
  • Jar to collect all that loose change from pockets.
  • Space (table or counter) to fold or spread out clothes.

Remember to relocate all the things that don’t belong in the laundry room. Other items tend to creep into the laundry space, but don’t let them take over. .

Need more inspiration? Read my post about how I organized my laundry area and my favorite tools.  Bonus Tip: Refresh your space with white paint. My laundry “room” is in the basement, and wasn’t the most inviting area. The space was transformed when I painted the walls and shelves white (using a mixture of all the white paints we had leftover from other painting projects).

Cool Closet Idea: Recycle a Record

At a flea market I noticed that a vendor had used an old 45rpm record as a way to divide garments for sale on a rack. I love how it was recycled into a divider!

I have a few 45s (yes, still in my attic) but don’t have any way to play them. I’m thinking of using them as dividers in my daughter’s new closet to separate out her dressy outfits from school clothes.

Would you try this?

How Do I Get Rid Of: Formal Wear & Wedding Dresses

Graduations, first communions, weddings, and prom—it’s the time of year for those special celebrations.

But what to do with all the special occasion dresses and suits that you (or your kids) no longer wear? It’s time to de-clutter your closet and regain that space.

Here’s how you can get rid of your unwanted formal wear:

  • Bring your women’s suits, jackets, blouses, handbags, and shoes to Dress for Success in Boston. This great organization helps outfit disadvantaged women with professional attire for job interviews. Other organizations that will take your suits include Second Chances in Somerville and Solutions at Work in Cambridge.

  • Have a wedding dress to get rid of? Wedding dresses can be consigned at Clever Bride Consignment in Holliston. You can also donate dresses via mail to Fairytale Brides or Brides for a Cause. Check the websites as these organizations may only accept more recent wedding gowns. Goodwill and local thrift stores may take wedding dresses too.

  • What about men’s formal wear? Donate items to Solutions at Work or Goodwill. You can also consign newer pieces at Buffalo Exchange in Boston and Somerville.

  • For you kids consignments, try the Little Fox Shop in Arlington, Fancy Pants in Chestnut Hill, and Growing Up in Belmont.

If you want to save that special outfit for years to come read how to preserve your clothes by guest contributor, Gabby Burgman, an archivist, professional organizer and busy mom.

How Do I Get Rid Of: Running Shoes

This month I’m thinking about running shoes. Not just because it’s Spring, but because here in Boston it will soon be Marathon Monday.

In 2013 I started running, and ran my first 5K. I kept signing up for 5K races, and kept on training. This new athletic activity means that I’m now buying and wearing out running shoes fairly regularly.

So what do I do when I’m done with a pair of running shoes? I discovered that the Greater Boston Running Company - Lexington has a handy bin to collect shoes for re-use in Africa. They also have other locations.

Soles4Souls is a non-profit organization that aims to fight poverty by distributing clothes and shoes, both in the US and globally. Some items go to micro-enterprise programs in developing countries (Haiti, Honduras, Tanzania) where participants recondition shoes and sell them locally. You can drop off shoes at locations here, or mail them to Soles4Souls.

Nike also offers a Reuse-A-Shoe program where shoes are truly  “recycled” into their basic components, and reused. The rubber from the soles, for example, is turned into rubberized surface used for playgrounds and running tracks. Find locations to drop off your shoes here.

Secret Storage & Fun Hooks

Inspired by my friend Casey’s blog post about cool decor on sale at Target (check out her interiors and inspiration at Loft & Cottage), I went to Target recently and found two new fun items to help keep your home organized.

  • Fun Hooks: Most kids won’t spend time hanging up their coat in a closet, and hooks are the way to go. These new character hooks could be a fun way to encourage your child to hang up their coat or backpack (check the hook weight limits). The characters make the hook more special than regular ones, and can help to distinguish where your child’s things need to go.




What deals have you found at Target lately?

New Year, New Closet – Part 2

Last week my elfa closet system was installed and I couldn’t be happier!

After my husband worked so hard on getting the ancient plaster walls repaired in the closet, we decided to have an elfa installer put in the system. My installer was amazing: he was used to working in old homes and was able to use every inch of space.

It’s amazing what a difference it makes when your clothing hangs from the rod facing you, instead of an angle as it used to be (see “before” photo below). I can see everything, and I also noticed how many pairs of pants I have that I haven’t been wearing!



While my closet may look full, I have so much room in between clothes hanging on the rods; items aren’t stuffed in as they were before. I nearly doubled my hanging space. And I love the new pull out shoe shelves. All the components are adjustable, which is a huge plus in a closet.

Do you have a closet system that works for you? What’s your secret to an organized closet?

I have not received any compensation for this post; I am just very happy with how my elfa closet system turned out.