Pandemic Organizing: Getting Creative with Storage Space

Last spring, after a few months of lockdown, I wrote about pandemic storage - and storage dilemmas I never thought I’d have, like how to store your face masks.

Today, 10 months into the pandemic, we’re definitely buying more in bulk than ever before. I used to have space in my pantry or basement storage, but those areas are really full. This calls for more creative storage. For example, check out these mudroom essentials: bags, gear, exercise stuff...and the Costco-sized box of popcorn.

I also finally decided I need to purchase more bins for my pantry to corral the bulk baking supplies, so they don’t topple down every time I take something off the top shelf. More posts to come on that project.

#saturdayorganizing #pandemicpurchase

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Get Rid of the Front Door Shoe Pile

How do I deal with all the shoes? It's one of the top questions I hear from clients. If you have piles of shoes by your front door, here are some tips and products to try:

First, reduce the pile of shoes by the door. Keep only the pairs you wear regularly by the door, the rest need to go into your clothing closet or other area. This may mean keeping only 2-3 pairs per person in your house. 

Next, find the right storage solution:

  • Several clients have had good luck with the slim IKEA shoe cabinet. It's small enough to fit in even the narrowest of hallways. 
  • A shelf can be practical, but be sure it is sturdy wood or metal with at least two levels and that your shoes can fit the shelves. Don't get a shelf that snaps together as they tend to not hold up.
  • Try this modern rack for shoes and accessories, and can even accommodate heels 
  • For kids shoes, this caddy keeps 3 pairs upright, making it easier for any child to find the shoes they need.

Make it routine: If you have a new place for shoes, be sure to tell your family and help make using the new container routine. Here's a creative reminder a client used with her family. 

Create a Closet

Many houses don't have a large entry closet, and some may not even closet at all! During a home and garden tour last year, I noticed how one homeowner got really creative and created a closet with curtains. 

In a shallow alcove near the front door, a shelf went across the length of the space. A sturdy curtain rod was attached to the shelf, and two heavy curtains hid the "closet" behind it: rows of hooks for bags and coats. Open the curtains for easy access to the items, pull them shut to close the "closet door."  

With just the shelf and curtains, this nondescript corner became a closet. Don't overlook even small spaces in your home to help you get organized.