Out with the Old, In with the New: Organizing for the College Years

More ideas from my cousin Janna on how to stay organized while your child is in college. 

This project was quite possibly the easiest organizing project I’ve ever done. In the span of about 10 minutes I had it finished.

Late in June, we attended college orientation at the University of Montana. After attending the three-day event, we knew this was going to be the perfect place for our daughter. It was obvious the university had perfected their sales pitch and by the last day we were happy to send them both our daughter and our hard-earned dollars.

We were all impressed by many of the presentations and fun activities, but what sealed the deal for me was how organized they were!

Now it’s September, she is finishing her first week as a college student, and I spent a few minutes setting up some new files. As far as I can tell, my new system (based on my old one) will take me right through to graduation.

It was simple, here are a few things that make it work:

  • Clean out the high school papers, calendars, and other documents. File and store the important stuff like report cards, certificates and photos with your family archives.
  • Set up a new system using information from the college. For example I set up files that include topics such as: calendars; banking; books; business services (how to pay our bill!); contact information (phone numbers and email addresses); health care; housing; meal plan; and scholarship information.
  • Keep the files handy. I keep them in the top drawer of our file cabinet where I file our monthly paid bills, etc.

Unlike Elizabeth’s system, mine is based on old technology and a system I developed when our daughter started Kindergarten. But, it works the same, it’s handy and it’s easy for me. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?
